Era se una vez una niña que nació en el seno de una familia cuya posesión más preciada eran colecciones incontables de cuentos y cuentos. Contaba solo con tres años de edad cuando leía sus primeras líneas y con cuatro cuándo ella misma las escribía. Ella soñaba con ser la protagonista de sus preciados cuentos y en su día a día mezclaba y confundía sus quehaceres con sus sueños. Aprendió a huir de sus problemas evadiéndose, profundizando en los personajes de sus cuentos. Hacía suya, la vida de aquellos y volaba y conocía los países más lejanos, los momentos más intensos. Cuándo se cercioró de que huir no era la solución decidió emprender sus propios viajes para posibilitar así la que era su leyenda, la madurez de su propia persona. Anduvo por países de todos los continentes buscando un príncipe pues llegó a la conclusión de no conocía el argumento de porqué los cuentos no existen. Se planteó la posibilidad de que el primer cuento del mundo lo escribiera alguien que vivió el suyo. Pese a esto, siempre cabría la posibilidad de que no existieran y sólo fuera la idea de un soñador, la mente de una persona que volaba más alto que las demás y que el mundo para ella, se le quedaba pequeño, y así creo otros submundos donde terminar de cumplir consigo mismo. ¡Cuánta filosofía! ¿Encontraría la respuesta? Se preguntaba constantemente… Ella era feliz viajando, conociendo a personas disfrazadas de príncipes, ilusionándose y no, escuchando atentamente su soul que la hacía sonreír pensando que todos los presentes oían la misma voz que ella, y que hacía de ese momento un instante perfecto.
En esos segundos aprovechaba para contestarse a sí misma… y es que los cuentos existirán hasta que el último día de su vida, se demuestre lo contrario…
ENGLISH VERSION: "Once upon a time"
It was once a girl is born in the bosom of a family whose most prized possession were collections of short stories and countless stories. There were only three years old when I read its opening lines and four when she wrote them. She dreamed of being the star of their precious stories and in their daily chores mixed and mingled with his dreams. Learned to escape your problems evading, deepening the characters in his stories. It had shared the life of those and flew and knew the most distant countries, the most intense moments. When escape was assured that was not the solution she decided to start their own travel to enable and which was the legend, the maturity of his own person. He traveled countries in all continents looking for a prince came to the conclusion of the argument did not know why the stories do not exist. The possibility that the first story of the world to write someone who lived his. Despite this, always the possibility that one might not exist and the idea was only a dreamer, a person's mind flying higher than the others and the world to her, he was small, and so I think other underworld which complete its compliance with himself. Much philosophy! Would he find the answer? He asked ... She was always happy travelers, meeting people dressed up as princes, illusion and not listening carefully to your soul that made her smile thinking that all present could hear the same voice that she, who gave that moment a perfect moment.
In those few seconds advantage to answer his own ... and is that stories exist until the last day of his life, he proved otherwise ...
En esos segundos aprovechaba para contestarse a sí misma… y es que los cuentos existirán hasta que el último día de su vida, se demuestre lo contrario…
ENGLISH VERSION: "Once upon a time"
It was once a girl is born in the bosom of a family whose most prized possession were collections of short stories and countless stories. There were only three years old when I read its opening lines and four when she wrote them. She dreamed of being the star of their precious stories and in their daily chores mixed and mingled with his dreams. Learned to escape your problems evading, deepening the characters in his stories. It had shared the life of those and flew and knew the most distant countries, the most intense moments. When escape was assured that was not the solution she decided to start their own travel to enable and which was the legend, the maturity of his own person. He traveled countries in all continents looking for a prince came to the conclusion of the argument did not know why the stories do not exist. The possibility that the first story of the world to write someone who lived his. Despite this, always the possibility that one might not exist and the idea was only a dreamer, a person's mind flying higher than the others and the world to her, he was small, and so I think other underworld which complete its compliance with himself. Much philosophy! Would he find the answer? He asked ... She was always happy travelers, meeting people dressed up as princes, illusion and not listening carefully to your soul that made her smile thinking that all present could hear the same voice that she, who gave that moment a perfect moment.
In those few seconds advantage to answer his own ... and is that stories exist until the last day of his life, he proved otherwise ...
1 comentario:
¿Y cómo se llamaba esa niña? ¿Empieza por M?
Me encantó este relato. No sé como lo definiría, pero sé que me gustó mucho.
Los cuentos existen para quien cree en ellos. Para ellos, la vida es más bella.
Un beso. Txetxu.
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